Senin, 30 Mei 2016

How do I make a smooth motion in MMD? How do I copy a motion? How do you use Range-Select in MikuMikuDance? How do I make a movement repeat? What is V-Select in MikuMikuDance ?

Copy and Paste for Repetitive Motion in MikuMikuDance
MikuMikuDance has tools that make it easy to create a repetitive motion. In this exercise we will ask Miku to perform a few jumping-jacks for us. We will use the V-Select, Copy, Paste, and the Range-Select functions to get it done quickly.
Open a New dance. Load Metal Miku (or whoever is your favorite).

I have decided to make a Jumping Jack require 30 frames for one complete cycle. So … we imagine that in frame zero, she is standing with arms and legs together. In Frame 15, she will be standing there with arms up and legs apart. And, finally, in Frame 30, she will be standing there in the same pose as we saw in Frame Zero: arms 
down and legs together. We will create those frames … and then go back in and add the “jumping” part.
In Frame Zero, adjust the left and right arms to bring them down to Miku’s sides as shown in this first picture. Registeryour moves.

Advance the Frame Counter to Frame 15. Position Miku standing on the floor with arms up and feet apart as shown below:

Go back to Frame Zero. Click some Diamond so that it is red. Click V-Select to select all of the diamonds in that frame. (V-Select stands for VERTICAL Select) Click COPY.  Advance the Frame Counter to Frame 30 and Click PASTE to put that Frame Zero Data into Frame 

That’s it for one “jumping-jack” cycle. Now we will go in and add the “Jump” part. Set the Frame Counter to Frame 8 … that’s about mid-way between Frames Zero and 15. Select only the Center Bone and raise Miku straight up … ¾ of an inch? Register your position.

Now, with the diamond in frame 8 still red, Click COPY to memorize that diamond. Advance the Frame Counter to Frame 22 … Click PASTE to put Frame 8’s position data into Frame 22:

Next we will use Range-Select to copy the entire jumping-jack so that we can paste it again, and again. In the Range-Sel windows enter a range of 0 – 30. See that the All Frame choice is selected. Click the Range-Select button. See that all the diamonds have turned red. Click COPY to put the selected frame data into memory. Advance the Frame Counter to Frame 30 and click PASTE. Advance the frame counter and see that the new data is in place for a length of another 30 frames … out to Frame 60. Click PASTE, again, on Frame 60, and then advance the Frame Counter out to Frame 90 … and PASTE again. Keep on going for as many Jumping-Jacks as you like:

You can also use Range-Select to choose all frames o-90 … and Copy … and Paste that starting at Frame 90 … and see that the animation is now complete out to frame 180. Keep Going … Miku needs the workout!

That’s it! …
Click PLAY at anytime to see Miku exercising like crazy! … Have fun!